Preparing to Build the Elementary Master Schedule

Before you build your elementary master schedule, there is some prep work to do.

For example, you need to group students to schedule, assign teachers to groups of students, create groups of courses for groups of students to enroll in, and define any restrictions using rules.

Important: Keep in mind that the system associates all scheduling information with a specific school year. Therefore, the information you enter for the build year does not affect your school’s current schedules. The system associates your active schedule with the current school year, and your next year schedule with the build year.

To prepare to build your elementary master schedule:

  1. Set up build information in your system.
  2. Create courses and course programs.
  3. Define student groups and associate them with course programs.
  4. Create build scenarios, and define lunch parameters, terms and days.
  5. Initialize sections and assign staff members to course sections.

After you complete these steps, you can build your master schedule. See Build the Elementary Schedule Using the Workspace.