Create course programs (Elementary scheduling only)

To define the courses elementary students study together, create programs. For example, create a Grade 1 Program to incorporate Reading, Math, Social Science, Gym, Art, Music, Computer, and Library blocks.

After you create a program, enroll students or student groups into the program. If you need to, you can edit course programs in the School view.

To create a program of courses:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Schedule > Courses > Programs.
  3. Select Options > Add. The New Course page appears.
  4. New Course page with Course Program field

  1. Complete the fields using the following table:
  2. Field Description

    School year

    Click Search icon. to select the school year for the program.

    Master type

    Select Program from the drop-down.


    Type the number that represents the program when adding it to the schedule for a student or group of students.


    Type a description of the course program.

    Short description

    Type a longer description of the course program.

    Course program

    Type the course numbers, separated by commas, included in this program.


    Click Search icon. to select the department for the program.


    Type the number of credits for the program.

    School level

    Select a school level from the drop-down.

    Grade level

    Select a grade level from the drop-down.

    Total minutes per cycle

    Type the total number of minutes the system should schedule for this program per cycle.

    Minimum minutes per session

    Type the total number of minutes the system should schedule for this program per session.
  1. Click Save.