Track reasons for field value changes

You can require users to enter a reason when they change a field's value. First, configure a reference table for the field, so the user can select a reason for the change. Then, enable the field you are auditing in the Data Dictionary. When a user changes that field's value, he must select a reason on the Change Reasons Required pop-up. You can view change reasons using the Change History option.

To track reasons for field value changes:

  1. Log on to the District (Root Organization) view.
  2. Configure a reference table with reference codes that the user can select to describe the reason for the change.
  3. Select Admin > Data Dictionary > Tables.
  4. Select the table that has the field you want to track, and then click Fields.
  5. Select the field.
  6. If the Table Audit Type field for the table is set to Partial, then set the Field audit type drop-down to On.
  7. At Change Reference Table > User name, enter the name of the reference table you configured for this field.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Reload the Data Dictionary.

When a user deletes or edits the field you are tracking, the Change Reasons Required pop-up appears. The user must enter a Reason Code and then click OK to save the change. The Comment field can be optional:

Users with the appropriate user role privileges can view change reasons on the Change History pop-up.

Example: Every time users delete or edit a student's homeroom, you want them to enter a reason for the change. To do so:

  1. In the District view, configure the Change of Status Reasons reference table, adding reference codes that a user can choose from when changing a student's homeroom, such as New Enrollee, Counselor's Request, Principal's Request and Clerical Error.
  2. In the District view, go to the Student system table, since it has the Homeroom field:
    1. Click Admin > Data Dictionary.
    2. Select the Student table and then, under Tables, click Fields.
    3. Select the Homeroom field.
    4. At Change Reference Table > User Name, enter Change of Status Reasons (the reference table you configured for the field).
    5. Set Field audit type to On.
    6. Click Save.

      Later, the principal asks a school user to change a student's homeroom. When the user goes to the Student Details page, changes the value in the Homeroom field and clicks Save, the Change Reasons Required pop-up appears. He selects Principl Req (Principal's Request) from the Reason Code drop-down. He cannot save the change until he selects a Reason Code and clicks OK.

      From the Student Details page, a user with the appropriate user role privileges can view the change Reason and Comment on the Change History pop-up.

The Change Reasons Required pop-up appears when a user edits the field on a template, or uses Modify List or Mass Update.

Modify List

The Change Reasons Required pop-up appears on list pages when you use Modify List to edit the field you are tracking. The user must enter a Reason Code on the pop-up each time that field is changed, or Aspen will not save the changes.

Example: You are tracking change reasons for the Homeroom field. You use Modify List on the Student List page to change the homeroom for several students. The Change Reasons Required pop-up appears each time you change a homeroom on the list. You must enter a Reason Code on the pop-up in order to save the change.

Mass Update

Users must also enter a change reason when they edit the field’s value using Mass Update.

Example: All of the students in Homeroom 101 are being switched to Homeroom 14.

After selecting the records to work with, enter the new value for the Homeroom field on the Mass Update pop-up. The pop-up expands to include the Reason and Comment fields. Enter a reason to proceed with the mass update.