Create a build scenario

Create a build scenario to define the basic structure and settings of the schedule you want to build for next year.

To create a build scenario:

  1. Log on to the Build view.
  2. Click the Scenario tab.
  3. Note: Using the Filter menu Filter icon. , you can also view scenarios from previous years.

  1. On the Options menu, click Add. The New Schedule page appears.
  2. Type a name for the scenario. If you plan to create more than one scenario for next year, use descriptive names.
  3. The system enters the start and end dates that coincide with the build context year. You can change these dates.
  4. Note: The Days per cycle and Periods per cycle appear after you define them.

    Note: The Days per cycle and Periods per cycle appear after you define them.

  1. Type any comments.
  2. Note: Comments are very helpful if you will be creating multiple scenarios.

  1. Click Save.