Manage course programs in the School view

Depending on a preference set up by your Aspen administrator, you can make changes to a course program in the School view by editing the course program itself.

Additionally, you can substitute a course using the Program Management sub-tab.

To modify course programs in the School view:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Schedule > Courses.
  3. Click the course program you want to modify. The School Courses details page appears.
  4. In the Course package field, modify the list of courses, separating them with a comma.
  5. Course Package field with list of course numbers.

  1. Click Save.

Note: If you enter an invalid course or use invalid characters, an error box appears when you try to save.

To substitute course programs in the School view:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Schedule > Courses.
  3. Click the course program you want to modify. The School Courses details page appears.
  4. Click the Program Management sub-tab.
  5. At the course you want to select a substitute for, click Search icon to open the School Course Pick List.
  6. School Course pick list that lets you select substitute courses.

    Note: The only courses that appear in the School Course Pick List are those with the same grade level and equivalent content codes.

  1. Select the course you want to substitute in the course program, and click OK.
  2. Repeat steps 5-6 to make additional substitutions.
  3. Click Save.