Using Custom Data Validation

Your system can maintain ongoing high quality data by using Aspen's data validation framework. Using powerful, flexible expression syntax helps you build custom business rules into the Data Dictionary. The rules you define can be enforced with your own tailored error messages to users when records are saved. You can also perform validations on batches of records at once.

Using custom data validation results in a more streamlined, efficient reporting process with these benefits:

  • You can fix problems on an ongoing basis. You do not have to wait until reporting time to fix problems.
  • Users can be required to enter data the correct way the first time the data is entered.
  • It is easier to identify and fix problems.
    Note: Do not create a custom data validation expression for an address field. Instead, define it in the General District Preferences.

To use custom data validation in Aspen:


First, write the expression (rule) in plain English. Then write it in validation expression syntax.

See data validation examples.


Define the validation rule in Aspen.


Verify expression.


Validate records.