Manage staff calendars

Create staff calendars when you initialize your district’s calendar. Then, define the dates when school is in session, and when school is not in session for staff members.

For example, staff members might report to school when students do not on professional development days. And, staff members do not report to school on days such as holidays, vacation days, and or snow days.

After you create a staff calendar, the system can calculate the correct leave times for teachers.

To manage staff calendars:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the District tab, then the School Years side-tab.
  3. Click Staff Calendars.
  4. Note: Use the Filter menu to select All Records if your staff calendar does not appear.

  1. Click the CalendarID to view the details.
  2. On the Staff Calendars side-tab, click Dates. Click a date to select or deselect the Is school in session checkbox, and click Save.

Then, apply the appropriate Calendar ID to the appropriate staff members.