Data Dictionary Translation

You can translate Data Dictionary table names and field names into other languages.

Note: You must enable translation of tables and fields first.

To translate Data Dictionary table names:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Admin > Data Dictionary
  3. Select a table to view its details.
  4. Click the Translate sub-tab.
  5. For each language, type the translated Name.
  6. Click Save.

To translate Data Dictionary field names:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Admin > Data Dictionary.
  3. Select a table.
  4. On the side-tab, click Fields.
  5. Select Options > Translate List. The table expands to include a Name field for the Translate locale listed in the drop-down.
  6. For each field, type the translated name.

Your changes are automatically saved.