Define Conduct preferences

In the District (Root Organization) view, define conduct preferences to determine:

  • how the system generates and assigns ID numbers for conduct incidents
  • the detention cutoff date and session names
  • action restrictions for special education students

To define district conduct preferences:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select District > Setup > Preferences. The general preferences page appears.
  3. Click the Category drop-down to select Conduct. The conduct preferences default to the Basic sub-tab.
  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description
    Incident ID Number Generation

    Auto assign

    Select this checkbox for Aspen to automatically assign an ID to new conduct incidents.

    Note: You only define a value for the Next value, Increment, Length, and Prefix fields if you select this checkbox.

    Next value

    Type the number you want the system to use to start conduct ID number generation. Then, the system updates this number with each new conduct incident you enter.


    Type a value that determines how many numbers to skip between each ID the system assigns. If you do not want to skip numbers between IDs, enter 0.


    Type the length of the conduct ID number. The system adds zeros at the beginning of each ID to enforce the length you enter.

    Note: This length does not include the value you define in the Prefix field.


    Type a prefix for all conduct incident IDs in your district.

    Shared incident ID

    This field pertains to entering conduct incidents involving multiple students. Your selection determines whether this field appears in the Multi-Add Conduct pop-up and its default value.

    Click the Shared incident ID drop-down to select one of the following:

    • Hide and disable: The Shared incident ID field does not appear in the Multi-Add Conduct pop-up, and all students involved in a single conduct incident will be assigned different incident ID numbers.
    • Show and enable: The Shared incident ID field appears in the Multi-Add Conduct pop-up, and is selected by default -- meaning that all students involved in a single conduct incident will be assigned the same incident ID number.
    • Show and disable: The Shared incident ID field appears in the Multi-Add Conduct pop-up, and is deselected by default - meaning that all students involved in a single conduct incident will be assigned different incident ID numbers.

    Detention Management

    Detention cutoff date

    Enter the date that you want to start managing detentions. From this date forward, you will be able to track and manage detentions.

    Session 1 Name Session 2 Name Session 3 Name

    By default, all districts are set up with one detention period called Detention. If your district would like to take detention attendance more than once per day, use the Session Name fields to differentiate among the sessions.

    For example, your district might call these sessions AM Detention, PM Detention, and Saturday Detention.

    NoteSchools only see their own session name preferences. If they do not set these preferences, they see the district values.
  1. Click the Advanced sub-tab.

  1. Use the table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field Description

    Action Restrictions for IEP Students

    Action: threshold list per incident

    This field applies only to students who are on IEPs. It prevents a user from entering a conduct action for an IEP student after a defined threshold of actions per incident has been met. Type an action, separated by a colon (:) and a number to indicate the number of units/days of the action is allowed for a special education student for an incident. When the number of units/days per incident hits the threshold and a user enters a subsequent action, the following warning appears:

    Note: The action you type in this field must exactly match the reference code in the Data Dictionary. For example, if the reference code is Suspension, make sure you do not type it here as Suspended.

    To add more than one action, separate them with a comma and space.

    ExampleSuspension:10, Detention:2

    A user will receive a warning when entering the 11th day of suspension for one incident or the 3rd detention for an IEP student for one incident.

    Note: If there are several types of actions that start with Detention, such as Detention Office, Detention Teacher, the threshold combines all incidents of these detentions.

    Action: threshold list per year

    This field applies only to students who are on IEPs. It prevents a user from entering a conduct action for an IEP student after a defined threshold of actions per year has been met. Type an action, separated by a colon (:) and a number to indicate the number of units/days of the action is allowed for a special education student for a school year. When the number of units/days per year hits the threshold and a user enters a subsequent action, the following warning appears:

    Note: The action you type in this field must exactly match the reference code in the Data Dictionary. For example, if the reference code is Suspension, make sure you do not type it here as Suspended.

    To add more than one action, separate them with a comma and space.

    ExampleSuspension:10, Detention:2

    A user will receive a warning when entering the 11th day of suspension for a year or the 3rd detention for an IEP student for one year.

    Note: If there are several types of actions that start with Detention, such as Detention Office, Detention Teacher, the threshold combines all incidents of these detentions.

    You can give a user the privilege to override conduct restrictions.

  1. Click Save.