Re-register a returning student

Register a student who was active in your district or school in the past, but is now inactive, using the same process you use when registering a new student. See Register a Student.

However, if the student withdrew from your district or school due to a withdrawal reason set in the Student Registration Restriction preference, some users might be restricted from registering the student. For example, if the Student Registration Restriction is set to Expelled, then the following warning message appears:

System administrators can set a user roleClosed used to grant or restrict access to a group of users (such as teachers or nurses) to different areas and functions in Aspen, usually the Enrollment Manager, to override this restriction in the user role details.

To allow a user role to override the student registration restriction:

  1. Log on to the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  2. Select Admin > Security.
  3. Select the checkbox for a role, such as the Enrollment Manager, and click Details. The user role's details page appears.
  1. Click the Category drop-down to select Student.
  2. For the Student Enrollment system table, go to the last column titled Other. To allow this role to register any student, including students who have been expelled, select the Override registration restrictions checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

When a user with this role registers a previously expelled student, the following warning appears, but he or she will be able to continue with the registration: