Print seating charts

You can print a seating chart with photos directly from the gradebookClosed Online version of a paper book where teachers enter and track assignments, assignment grades, and term grades. If you are searching for this term, consider a more targeted search string like "Entering Grades.", making it easy to leave a printout for a substitute teacher.

To print a seating chart:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select a course section, and then click the Seating Chart side-tab. The seating chart you designed for the course appears.
  4. Click Printer Friendly Version in the upper-right corner of the page. The seating chart with student names and photos (if available) appears in a pop-up, and a heading lists schedule information, the course number and description, and term. The Print pop-up appears.
  5. Notes:

    • If you have not designed a seating chart, the Printer Friendly Version link is not available.
    • If a student has withdrawn from your course, a red Withdrawn appears below the student’s name.
    • The seating chart will print in color if your printer has the capability.

  1. If needed, change the printer preferences.
  2. Click OK.