Define point values for a GPA

Users can define point values for a GPA definition in the District or Intermediate Organization views.

For each GPA definition you create, define the number of points students receive towards their GPAClosed grade point average for each grade in one or more grading scales.

Many school districts create and use weighted and unweighted GPA calculations. When you create a weighted GPA, you define different point values for each academic level for each grade. For example, for an A, you might assign a point value of 4.25 for an AP course, and 4.0 for a Standard course.

To define point values for a GPA:

  1. Log on to the District or Intermediate Organization view.
  2. Select Grades > GPA.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the GPA definition you want to define point values for.
  4. On the GPA side-tab, click Point Values. The point values for that GPA definition appear.
  1. Select the grade scale you want to use for this GPA calculation.
  2. Click Edit icon. below each academic level. The pencil is replaced by a green checkmark and red x.
    Note: Your Aspen system administrator creates academic level codes in the Academic Level Codes reference table. Assign academic levels to courses in the district course catalog.
  1. Enter a value in each row and press TAB to go to the next row.
  2. After you enter a value for each grade in that academic level, click Green checkmark to save it.
  3. Repeat steps 6 - 8 for each academic level. Now you define the grade columns you want the system to use for this GPA calculation.