Failed Job Alerts

You can opt to be notified by email when your scheduled jobs fail. Also, determine when and how often notifications are sent.

To set failed job alerts:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Click the District tab.
  3. On the Setup side-tab, click Preferences.
  4. Click the Category drop-down to select Communication.
  5. In the Scheduled Job Notification section, enter values for the following fields:
    • Job failure delivery address: Enter the email addresses, separated by a comma, of each person you want to receive job failure alerts.
    • Delivery start time: Enter the time of day when you want job failure alerts to begin being sent. Job failure alerts occurring before this time are sent. Email job failure alerts will not be repeated for the same job in the next delivery start time window unless the job has failed again. If only the "Delivery start time" is set, alerts are not sent again until the next day when the "Delivery start time" arrives on the next day.
    • End time: Enter the time of day when you want job failure alerts to stop being sent. Job failures that occur after this time are sent the next day at the "Delivery start time". If you set an "End time", you must also set a "Repeat time".
    • Repeat time (minutes): Enter the interval, in minutes (minimum of 5), you want between batches of job failed alerts. You must set a "Delivery start time" and an "End time" to set a "Repeat time". Thirty minutes is the recommended minimum repeat time.