Audit trail is enabled but no records are being audited

There are two pieces of setup required for audits to work properly in Aspen.

You have to have the audit function enabled:

  1. Go to the District view.
  2. Click the District tab.
  3. Click the Setup side-tab, then Preferences.
  4. For the General category, make sure that the Audit enabled checkbox is selected.

In the Data Dictionary, you have to set tables and fields to be audited:

  1. Go to the District view.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Click the Data Dictionary side-tab.
  4. Find and select the table that you want to be audited.
  5. Click into its details.
  6. Click the Table audit type drop-down to select All.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Then click Fields on the side-tab.
  9. For each field in the table that you want audited, click into its details and make sure that the Field audit type drop-down is set to On.
    Note: If you don't set the table to be audited, fields cannot be audited.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Then, you must reload the Data Dictionary (Options > Reload Data Dictionary).
    Note: Just because you enable an audit on the phone number field does not mean you are going to see a change history everywhere you see phone numbers. To see edits made to a particular phone number (which is on the Person table), you have to either go to the Global tab or look on the appropriate side-tab for the person in question and then go to Options > Change History.