Update students' course requests on their schedule page

Before you add and drop course sections from a student’s schedule, you can update their course requestsClosed courses that students have requested to attend for the next school term on the same page.

To update a student’s course requests:

  1. Log on to the School or Build view.
  2. Click the Student tab.
  3. Search for and select the student.
  4. Click the Schedule side-tab. The student’s current schedule appears.
  5. On the Schedule side-tab, click Workspace. The Workspace displays the student’s schedule and course requests. Depending on how you last viewed a workspace for a student, either the List view or Matrix view appears.
  6. You can do the following:
    • Enter a specific course number, and click Add.
    • Click Select. The Pick Course pop-up appears. Select the courses you want to add to the student’s requests, and click OK.
    • Select the course requests you want to delete, and click Drop.
    • Click Update to add any courses the student is currently scheduled in to the list of course requests.
    • Note: Update does not delete course requests from the list. To remove a course request, click the red x next to it.
    • Select Allow over max for any course you want the system to schedule the student in, even if the maximum enrollment has been reached.
      Note: When you reschedule the student, the system deletes their current schedule and creates a new one based on course requests.