Create secondary school associations

Sometimes, students take classes at your school while taking classes or receiving services at other schools, too. The Create Secondary School Associations wizard is a way to associate these cross-enrolled students with their secondary schools.

Note: If a student's primary school does not use Aspen, he or she must first be enrolled into a "holding" school before cross-enrolling as a secondary student in an Aspen school.

To associate a student with a secondary school:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Click the Student tab, and select a student.
  3. Select Options > Create Secondary School Associations. The Create Secondary School Associations wizard appears.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click Push if you are at the student’s primary school, and want to push the student records to the secondary school.
    • Click Pull if you are at the student’s secondary school and want to pull the student records into your school.


      • Your root organization’s Membership preference determines whether your school pushes or pulls student records to other schools. That selection also determines whether you see a Push tab, a Pull tab, or both at the top of the wizard.

      • Your root organization's Membership preference determines which fields appear in the bottom section of the Pull tab.

  1. Select the student’s Secondary school from the drop-down. If you are pulling a student record into your school, your school’s name appears.
  2. Select the District year for the cross-enrollment.
  3. Enter the Start date and End date that the student will attend the secondary school.
  • If you pull a student record into your school, do the following:
  1. Enter the First name, Last name, Gender, and Date of birth for the student.
  2. Click Search.
  3. A pop-up lists the student’s name, some demographic information, and contact information for the student’s primary school. Click OK.
  • If you push a student record to another school, do the following:
  1. In the Students box, select one of the following:
    • Selection: Select any student from the Student List.
    • Snapshots: Select a snapshot of students.
  1. Click OK.
  • Whether you pushed or pulled the student record, a pop-up indicates the results of the cross-enrollment: