Add courses to a student's schedule

You can add a course to a student’s schedule at any time during the year.

To add a course to a student’s schedule:

  1. Log on to the School or Build view.
  2. Click the Student tab.
  3. Search for and select the student.
  4. Click the Schedule side-tab, and then click Workspace. The workspace displays the student’s schedule.
    Note: Depending on how you last viewed a workspace for a student, either the List view or Matrix view appears. Click the link in the top-right corner of the page to change the view.
  1. Your school might allow you to make changes to a schedule effective for a past or future date. The ability to make past and future scheduling changes is available in the School view only.


    • If your school allows past and future schedule changes:

      • You will see Workspace Mode at the top of the page when in the School view.

      • And you want your schedule change to be effective on a past date, do not specify a future date on the Workspace page. When posting the change, you will be able to set the effective date to a past date when in the School view.

    • If your school allows future schedule changes, but does not allow past schedule changes, you will not see Workspace Mode at the top of the page. Instead you will see View and make changes as of at the top of the page when in the School view.

    1. To make the change effective today or on a past date, do one of the following:
      • If you see Workspace Mode at the top of the page, select Today:

      • If you see View and make changes as of at the top of the page, or if you see neither Workspace Mode nor View and make changes as of at the top of the page, continue to step 6:

        Note: You will enter the past date in Step 10.
    1. To make the change effective on a future date, do one of the following:
      • If you see Workspace Mode at the top of the page, select Future. Use the date picker to select the future date when you want the change to take effect.
      • If you see View and make changes as of at the top of the page, use the date picker to select the date you want the change to take effect.
        Note: If you do not see Workspace Mode or View and make changes as of at the top of the page, your school does not allow future schedule changes. See your Aspen system administrator.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Enter a specific course and section number in the Course field, and then click Add.
      Note: Select the Ignore warnings checkbox if you want to schedule the student in the course despite any conflicts.
    • If you are using the Matrix view, click in an empty cell on the matrix. Select a section that is available for that cell.
    • Click Select to select a course section from the master schedule. The Master Schedule Pick List appears:
    • You can limit the course sections to choose from by selecting values at the Course, Period, Track ID, Term, Department, Grade Level, House and Team fields. Select a value in the Order by field to change the way course sections are sorted.

      You can select any of the following:

      • Requested only to limit the course sections to only the courses the student originally requested.
      • Valid sections only to limit the course sections to only courses that are open, belong to the student’s team, and have the appropriate section type for the student.
      • Allow conflicts to schedule the student in any course section you select, despite any conflicts with course sections on his or her schedule.
      • Allow all over max to allow you to schedule the student in a course that has already reached its maximum enrollment number.
      • The ClassTotal column shows the total number of students in a single classroom which has more than one section in it. Class totals that contain multiple terms have a pop-up link that shows the breakdown by term.

  1. Select the course sections you want to add to the student’s schedule.
  2. If you are using reserved seating, and the section has only reserved seats remaining, select the Use reserve seats checkbox to open a space in the section for the student.
  3. Click OK. If you did not select the Allow conflicts checkbox, the system displays any warnings about conflicts the course sections you selected have with the student’s current schedule.
    Note: Any course sections you add to the student’s schedule appear with an asterisk (*). This means that you have not posted the course sections yet, and the changes will not go into effect until you do. In addition, course sections that will be added on a future date appear in bold italics.
  1. After you add the sections, click Post. If your school allows past-dated changes to the schedule, and you have not selected a future date on the Workspace page, the "All changes take effect on" date picker appears. Do nothing for the schedule change to take effect today, or click Select Date icon. to select a date in the past (within the school year) for the change to take effect on that date.

The changes you made are now the student’s active schedule. If the changes are for a future date, the schedule changes will be made automatically on that date.