View average statistics in the Gradebook

While entering grades on the Scores page, you can view the average score for each column.

To view average statistics:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select a section, and click the Scores side-tab. The Average score row at bottom of the page displays the average for each column.
  4. Average score row on Scores pages

  1. Click the average score in a column to view the average statistics for the column.
  2. Assignment statistics pop-up

    The assignment statistics include:

    • Average - A simple average of your students' scores, in which the sum of all scores is divided by the total number of scores.
    • Median - The middle score in the score distribution for that assignment. In other words, the score that has an equal number of scores higher and lower than it.
    • Mode - The most common score for that assignment. If there is only one instance of each score, "No mode" appears in the pop-up. If there are multiple modes, they are separated by commas.
    • High score - The highest score for that assignment.
    • Low score - The lowest score for that assignment.
    • Standard deviation - A measure of how close your students' scores were, in general, to the average score for that assignment. A low standard deviation means that most scores were close to the average score, while a high standard deviation means that most were far from the average.