Import assignments from another class or year

You can import assignments into your class sections from one of your current sections or from a previous year in your gradebook.

To import assignments:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Click the Assignment side-tab.
  4. On the Options menu, click Import Assignments. The Import Assignments pop-up appears.
  5. At the Import from field, click Search icon. to select the section you want to copy assignments from. A list of your course sections sorted by year appears.
  6. Select the course section you want to copy assignments from, and click OK.
  7. Select one of the following to indicate which assignments you want to copy:
    • Selected: to select specific assignments from the section. The Assignment pick list appears in descending order. Select the checkbox next to each assignment you want to copy, and click OK.
    • Category: to select entire categories of assignments to copy from the section. The Category pick list appears in descending order. Select the checkbox next to each category of assignments you want to import, and click OK.
    • All Assignments: to copy all assignments from the section.
      Note: The system updates the value for each date of the assignment to the current schedule term and school year. The system uses the student calendar shared by the majority of students in the section to determine the dates.
  1. Click OK.
    Note: You cannot import an assignment that is associated with a locked grade term.