Elementary Teachers and Standards-Based Gradebook

As an elementary teacher, you have probably used standards-based grades as your primary grading practice in your classroom.

There are two ways elementary teachers might use the Aspen gradebook with standards-based grades:

  • Enter and post end-of-term scores for each standard associated with each class or subject at the end of a marking period for report cards only; teachers do not enter specific assignment scores in the Aspen gradebook.

The Power Law references each score you enter for a student. Each student's goal is to 'trend up'; meaning students should perform better on a standard towards the end of a term after more instruction and practice.

When it's report card time, you can easily post Trend scores to the office.

To enter standards-based scores for assignments throughout the grading term:

  1. View the reporting standards you district has set up for each of your classes.
  2. Create assignment categories.
  3. Create assignments and align them to reporting standards.
  4. Enter standards scores for assignments.
  5. View Trend scores to help guide your lessons.
  6. Post scores to the office for report cards and transcripts.