Creating and Editing IEP Forms

During the conversion and implementation of Aspen, IEPClosed Individualized Education Program forms are created according to your district's or state's guidelines and requirements.

The form:

  • mimics the actual paper IEP you would complete and file for your students, and
  • contains the actual pages and fields that you would see on a paper IEP.

At times, you may need to edit a form for your IEP. And in the rare cases, you may need to create a new IEP form.

To edit an existing templateClosed a page with a predesigned, customized format, such as the Student Detail page or to create a new template:

  1. Define or edit the details of an IEP form.
  2. Create or edit reference tables and codes for an IEP form.
  3. Import the IEP form.