Prepare reporting standards

After your district creates rubrics and their criteria, and you assign rubrics to the appropriate courses, you need to use the Prepare Reporting Standards Grading wizard to send the reporting standards (rubrics) to teachers' gradebooks.

To prepare reporting standards grading:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Grades > Grade Input.
  3. If you want to send reporting standards to only some sections, select the checkboxes next to those classes, and then click Show Selected.
  4. Select Options > Prepare Reporting Standards Grading. Step 1: Select Sections appears.
    Step 1 Prepare Reporting Standards wizard
  5. Select the Current selection, Selected Sections, or All Sections to prepare reporting standards for, and click Next. Step 2: Replace Existing Columns appears.
    Step 2 Prepare Reporting Standards wizard
  6. Select the Replace Existing Standards checkbox only if in the beginning stages of setting up reporting standards in gradebooks, such as before a school year begins.
    Warning: If you select this checkbox, Aspen replaces all existing standards grade columns in the selected sections and any scores entered in them.
  1. Click Next. Step 3: Confirmation appears.
    Step 3 Prepare Reporting Standards wizard
  2. Confirm that the Sections to prepare value matches the number of sections you want to prepare. If it doesn't, click Previous to make changes.
  3. Click Finish. Aspen sends rubrics attached to courses to the appropriate teachers' Gradebooks. The rubrics are available on the Gradebook tab, Reporting standards side-tab. Also, teachers can select from them when they create new assignments on the Standards sub-tab.