Use the Student Schedule Verification Build filter

Use the Student Schedule Verification filterClosed a set of criteria to selectively screen out incoming information, such as "all active students" or "former students" to display only students that meet the criteria you define regarding their requestsClosed courses that students have requested to attend for the next school term satisfied percentage.

To use the Student Schedule Verification option:

  1. Log on to the Build view.
  2. Click the Student tab.
  3. On the Options menu, click Student Schedule Verification. The Verify Student Schedule pop-up appears:
  1. In the Scheduled (%) fields, type the percentage scheduled, then select one of the following operators: More than, Less than, or Equal to. For example, to include only students who are less than 90% scheduled, type 90, then select Less than.
  2. In the Request Satisfied (%) fields, type the percentage of requests satisfied, then select one of the following operators: More than, Less than, or Equal to. For example, to include only students who have more than 80% of their requests satisfied, type 80, then select More than.
  3. Select the Scheduled with alternates checkbox to include only students scheduled with alternates.
  4. Select the With dropped requests checkbox to include only students with dropped requests.
  5. Click OK. The Student List contains only students who meet the criteria you define.