Load study halls

After you create study hall sections on your master schedule, you need to load students with holes in their schedules into those study halls.

To load study halls with students:

  1. Log on to the Build view.
  2. Click the Workspace tab.
  3. On the Options menu, click Studies, then Load Studies. The Load Studies pop-up appears.
  4. Select one of the following to determine which students to load studies for:
  1. At the Term selection field, click Search icon. to select the term to load studies for. For example, you might load studies for the first semester initially, and then load studies for the second semester later in the year, when changes to schedules are more permanent.
  2. Click OK. Then, do the following:
  3. If you do not create sections for studies, the system can do this for you. Click OK.
  4. If you have previously loaded studies, do one of the following:
    • Select Load missing studies if you want the system to keep students already scheduled into study sections in those sections, while loading students with holes in their schedules into study sections.
    • Select Reload all studies if you want the system to reload all studies. The system deletes all existing studies on student schedules first, then fills holes in student schedules with new studies.
  1. Click OK. The system enrolls students in the study hall sections that fill the holes in their schedules.

Now, you can run study class lists and the study hall balance count report to see how many students will attend each study by day.