Define section details

Define or edit the details for a course section.

To define or edit section details:

  1. Log on to the Build view to define section details for next year’s schedule, or the School view for the current year’s schedule.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Build view, click the Courses tab, Sections side-tab.
    • In the School view, click the Schedule tab, Courses side-tab. Then click Sections.
  1. Select the section, and click Details.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  3. Field


    Master type

    The type of course section appears:

    • Class
    • Activity
    • Duty
    • Lunch
    • Package
    • Program
    • Study

    Note: The system only schedules sections with the Class type.

    Section number

    Type a section number.

    Staff Name

    Click Search icon. to select the primary teacher of this section.

    Note: You can assign more than one teacher to a section. For example, if a section is co-taught by a teacher, you can assign the other teacher. Click Teachers on the Sections side-tab to define the other teacher(s).

    Room Number

    Click Search icon. to select the primary room this section meets in.

    Schedule Term > Code

    Click Search icon. to select the schedule term code for this section.


    Any schedule that already exists for the section appears.

    To select a schedule for a section without a schedule, click Edit Schedule. The Schedule pop-up appears.

    Select if you want the schedule to be the same or different across schedule terms.

    Also, select the Use multiple rooms checkbox to schedule the section in different rooms each period. The magnifying glass appears below each period and day checkbox. Click Search icon. to select the room you want to schedule the section in that period and day.

    Then, select the appropriate checkboxes to determine the section’s schedule.


    Type one of the following:

    • An identifier to group sections that happen in the same room and at the same time into a class together.
    • If you select the Is inclusion section checkbox, type an identifier for the section. Then, type the same identifier for the section you want to link this inclusion section to.

    For example, assume this is an inclusion section for Reading, and only special education students enroll in it. You can link this section with the other Reading section (same teacher, same time, same room) by entering the same class identifier for both sections.

    Enrollment maximum

    Type the maximum number of students that can enroll in this section.

    Enrollment total

    The total number of students enrolled in this section appears.

    Is section closed at max enrollment?

    Select this checkbox if the system cannot schedule any more students in the section when the enrollment maximum is reached.

    Study criteria

    If this section is a study hall, you can limit the students who can enroll in the study by year of graduation or section enrollment. Type Y: (yog), … to limit years of graduation. Type S: (section number), (section number), … to limit sections.

    For example, if you want the system to schedule only seniors in this study hall, type Y:2021. If you want the system to schedule only seniors and juniors, type Y:2021, 2022.

    If you want the system to schedule only students already scheduled in course section 100.1, type S:100.1.

    Schedule Rotation Identifier

    Type the rotation ID for this course.

    Is inclusion section?

    Select this checkbox if this section accepts inclusion students. Both regular and inclusion students can be scheduled into the section.

    Track ID

    If you rotate your master schedule, type the value you use to identify the schedule track when the rotated schedule is too complicated.

    For example, a school with schedule day and periods A(1-6) might become A(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) E(5) F(6) when rotated. The school could refer to the new schedule as Track A. The schedule day and periods B(1-6) might become B(1) C(2) D(3) E(4) F(5), and could be referred to as Track B.


    If this section is assigned to a team, select the team.


    If this section is assigned to a house, select the house.

    Section type

    If this section is for a particular group of students among all students requesting the course, select the section type. For example, you might select Bilingual for a bilingual section of History.


    If this section is for a specific platoon, select the platoon.

    Team schedule mode

    House schedule mode

    Section type schedule mode

    Platoon schedule mode

    These fields appear if you have set them to appear in the scenario's preferences.

    If you select that the section is assigned to a team, house, platoon, or section type, you need to identify how you want the system to schedule students into the section based on the team, platoon, section type, or house they are assigned to. To do so, select one of the following for each:

    • Exclusive: Only students with a group code (team, house, section type, or platoon) that matches the section can be scheduled into the section. For example, assume you assign this section to team A at the Team field. The system can schedule only students on team A in this section.
    • Open: The system can schedule both students with and without a matching group code in this section. For example, the system can schedule both students on team A and students without a team assignment in this section.
    • Mixed: The system can schedule both students with a matching group code and a different group code in this section. For example, it can schedule students on team A and team B in this section, but not students without a team assignment.
    • Unrestricted: The system can schedule any student in this section, including students on team A, B, or without a team assignment. The system schedules students with the same team as the section first.

    Note: If you do not make a selection at this field, the value is Exclusive.

  1. Click Save.