Copying a District Course to Define a Course With a Different Type

At the school level, you can create different instances of the same district course. For example, at a school you can create courses 100, 100S, and 100X all linked to the same district course 100. The S section and the X section will be targeted to specific subsets of the students needing course 100.

Note: Type a value in the Course number naming field on the District Schedule Preferences page to determine how the courses you create by copying from the district course can be named.

To create a school type of a district course:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Click the Schedule tab.
  3. Click the Courses side-tab.
  4. Select a course, and click Details on the side-tab.
  5. On the Options menu, click Copy. The Copy pop-up appears.
  6. Type the course number in the Number field.
  7. In the Flavor field, type a description of the type of course you are creating, such as Bilingual.
  8. Click Save. The Course Details page for the new course you create appears.
  9. Make any changes, and click Save.

Now, you can create sections for the course.