Assign next homerooms for students

Determine which students will be assigned to which homerooms next year.

Next: You must do this before you build an elementary master schedule for next year. You can use homerooms to initialize student groups, which you assign to specific course programs.

To assign next year homerooms to students:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Click the Student tab.
  3. Select the group of students you want to assign to a specific homeroom.
  4. Select Options > Show Selected.
    Important: Make sure that the number of selected records matches the number of records you want to update. It is not possible to reverse a mass update. Proceed with caution.
  1. Select Options > Mass Update.
  2. Use the Field drop-down to select Next Homeroom.
  3. In the Value field, type the name of the homeroom.
  4. Click Update.