Add a video to a widget

If you have a video you want your users to watch, you can embed it into a widget. This means users do not have to leave Aspen—the video plays right in the widget. You do this using the rich text editor.

For example, you can embed a YouTube video into a blog as part of the preparation activities of a flipped lesson. Below the video, post follow-up questions or problems for students to respond to during or after they watch the video.

To add a video to a widget:

  1. Click the Pages tab.
  2. Use the Quick Access menu to find and select the Page you want to add the video to.
  3. Edit or create a new entry for a widget that has a rich text editor, such as a Blog, Forums, or Announcements (Homepage only).
  4. Enter any required information, such as a Title and Categories.
  5. In the rich text editor, click Source.
  6. Note: The Source button is only supported in Firefox® and Google Chrome™ browsers.
  1. Using a separate tab in your browser, find the video that you want to embed, such as a YouTube video.
    Note: Keep Aspen open to your Page to make it easy to copy and paste.
  1. Below the video, click Share.
  1. New options appear. Click Embed. An iframe tag appears.
  1. Highlight all of the text in the text box, then press Ctrl + C to copy it.
  2. In your browser, click the Aspen tab to return to your Page.
  3. Click in the text box of the widget you want to add the video to.
  4. Press Ctrl + V to paste the iframe tag into the text box.
  5. Click Save. Your video appears in the widget.


  • To add additional text to your post, click Source again after inserting your iframe tag before saving. Or, add it later by editing the widget.
  • Many sites which contain videos—not just YouTube—provide embed code. Just look for the Share section of a video to see if the iframe tag is available.