Use Google Docs

Google Docs™ is a free, web-based office suite and storage service from Google. Aspen and Google Docs are integrated, giving users the ability to store and share Google Docs files.

Google Docs can include documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawings, and tables.

If a teacher does not have Microsoft Word on their computer, they can create a Google Doc instead. They can then attach that Google Doc to an assignment and select to make it student editable (meaning that each student sees the same document, but with their name appended to the document title). Students can make edits to the document and post their own version for the teacher to grade.

Teachers can also create an assignment that requires students to attach their own Google Doc. Each student submits their individual Google Doc online for the teacher to grade.

In order for Page administrators, staff members, students, and parents to be able to use Google Docs, one of the following processes must occur:

  • Self-initiated setup: The user clicks Set Preferences, then clicks either the Security or Communication tab. At the Google Docs email field, they click Add Google Access to be directed to the Google login screen. They then enter their email address and password or sign up for a Google account. If they click Grant Access, Aspen automatically populates the Google Docs email field in their user preferences on the Security and Communication tabs. Setup is complete; they are able to view and edit Google Docs as needed.
  • System-prompted setup: The first time the user tries to open or add a Google Doc, they are directed to the Google login screen. They enter their email address and password or sign up for a Google account. If they click Grant Access, Aspen automatically populates the Google Docs email field on the Security and Communication tabs (accessed by clicking Set Preferences). Setup is complete. If the user was trying to view a Google Doc, the document opens. If the user was trying to add a Google Doc, a pop-up displays all of their personal Google Docs. They select which document they want to add.