Create an Aspen account with an email link

Most districts send an email to new users with a link and validation code to set up an account. If you do not receive the email, ask your school registrar if you have been given Family portal access, and confirm they have your correct email address.


  • Your/your child's school manages your Aspen user account. If you can't log in, contact your school. (Follett doesn't manage user accounts and can't help with system access.)

  • If you did not receive an email link, it is possible to request an account directly from the Aspen login page. Using an email link is the preferred method.

  1. The email looks similar to the one below, with a validation code and a link. Click the link:

    sample email from district

  2. The Validation Information pop-up appears. Enter the validation code from the email, your last name, and phone number. Then click Next Step.

    Validation page with security code

  3. On this page, enter your name and address. Then click Next Step.

    Create Your Aspen Account screen

  4. Enter your email address, password, and a security question/answer. (If the email address you enter is already associated with an Aspen user, Aspen will not create an account.) Click Create My Account.

    Account Information page

  5. The final page confirms your request is being processed, and you will receive a verification email soon. Click Close.

    Confirmation page

  6. Log into your email account, and find the verification email. Click the link to activate your Aspen account.

    Verification email

  7. The Email Validation screen confirms your Aspen account is now active. Click Close.

  8. Your district will provide a URL for Aspen in your district. You can log in using your email account and password.

Note: You can see frequently asked questions (and answers) about using the portals on a desktop/laptop.

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