Enter or view a conduct incident for specific student

You can view, edit, or enter a conduct incident for a specific student from the homepage or the Student tab.

Note: You can run the Conduct History report for the student by selecting it from the Reports menu.

To view, edit, or enter an incident for a specific student from the Student tab:

  1. Log on to the School, Staff, or Health view.
    Note: In the Staff view, you can only view conduct incidents for your students.
  1. Click the Student tab.
  2. Search for and select the student.
  3. Click the Conduct side-tab, and then click Incidents. A list of any conduct incidents entered for the student appears. By default, the list displays incidents for the current year, but you can view All Records by selecting it from the Filter menu.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the value in the Code column to view the details of a conduct incident.
    • Select Options> Add. The New Student Conduct Incident page appears. Enter the conduct incident. Then, click the Actions sub-tab to enter any actions. Be sure to click Save, or your entry will be lost.