Student Health Information

Parents can view health information about their students including:

To view details about your student's health office visits:

  1. Click the Family tab.
  2. Click the Health side-tab.
  3. Click a visit date. For the health office visit you select, the page displays specific information, including primary complaint code, treatment code, and action code.
  4. After you finish looking at the details, click Cancel to return to the list of health office visit records, or click any other side-tab or tab.

To view details about your student's immunizations:

  1. Click the Family tab.
  2. Click the Health side-tab, then click Immunizations.
  3. Next to each series name, the page lists the dates of each dose your student has received.
  4. Click the series name to view the details of an immunization series

To view a list of medical conditions the school district has on file for the student:

  1. Click the Family tab.
  2. Click the Health side-tab, then click Conditions.
  3. For each medical condition, the page displays the condition's type, code, and summary.

To view the health screenings the student has completed (such as vision or hearing tests):

  1. Click the Family tab.
  2. Click the Health side-tab, then click Screenings.
  3. For each screening, the page displays the screening name, date, result, and summary.

To view any medications the school district administers to the student:

  1. Click the Family tab.
  2. Click the Health side-tab, then click Medications.
  3. For each medication, the page lists the medication name, type, start date, stop date, frequency, and time of administration.