Subscribe to email notifications

When your school uses email notifications, parents and students can subscribe to receive email messages about the following events:

  • Conduct
  • Health visit
  • Daily attendance
  • Class attendance
  • Minimum grade (a grade falls below a threshold you define)

Note: Aspen creates a record for each event and gives it a timestamp. Your district sets up a "job" that tells Aspen to send the emails. The timing of when the email is sent depends on the timestamp on the record and when your district runs the job (usually within a seven-day window).

Example: In the Hale school district, Aspen runs the job to send email notifications for conduct incidents every Tuesday night. On Tuesday April 1, Aspen runs the job as usual. On Wednesday April 2, Cole has a conduct incident. When Aspen runs the job on Tuesday, April 8, an email notification is sent for Cole. This is because the incident's timestamp is after April 1, and falls within the window of when the job was run (April 1 through April 8).

To subscribe to email notifications:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Family portal: Click the Family tab.
    • In the Student portal: Click the My Info tab.
  1. Click the Notification side-tab.
  2. Subscriptions for Email Notifications page

  1. At the top of the page, any email addresses associated with your account appear. Select the checkbox next to each email address you want to receive notifications.
  2. After viewing the description of each email, select the Subscribe checkbox if you want to receive that email notification.
    Note: For the Grades notification, define a Grade Threshold between 1 and 100. The system will send an email when the student receives a grade below that percentage.

For each subscription, the system sends the appropriate messages to the designated email account. To view/change this account, click Set Preferences on the settings bar at the top of the page, then the Security sub-tab.

Note: Your changes to this page are saved automatically. There is no Save button.