Use tabs, side-tabs, and sub-tabs

Aspen is similar to a filing cabinet – it organizes folders of information with tabsClosed row of buttons across the top of the Aspen user interface, side-tabs, and sub-tabs.

Tabs are big picture items – the Student tab shows all students in the school, and the Attendance tab lists school-wide attendance.

After you click a tab, side-tabs specific to that tab appear on the left side of the page. For example, if you click the Student tab, side-tabs such as Details, Contacts, and Schedule appear. If you click the Conduct tab, the Incident History and Action History side-tabs appears.

The same tabs appear at the top of each page, so you can quickly access another folder of information.

Note: The tab you select is a different color than the rest.

Note: To quickly access information on a sub-tab for a specific record, select that record's checkbox and then click the side-tab. For example, to view a student’s immunization record, click the Student tab and find the student in the list. Select the student's checkbox, then click the Immunizations side-tab.