Use pick lists

Throughout Aspen, a magnifying glass Search icon. appears next to many of the fields. This means there is a pick list associated with that particular field.

For data consistency purposes, you must enter values in these fields from a list of predetermined codes. When you see Search icon., you can do either of the following:

  • Begin to type the value you want to enter in the field. The system attempts to find a match. For example, assume the school nurse begins to type Head… in the Primary Complaint field for a health visit. The system completes the entry: Headache.
  • Click Search icon.. A pick list appears.

Type a value in the Search box, and then click Search icon. to find that value quickly.

If the reference table associated with the field consists of categories of codes, the top of the pick list displays two options:

  • Click List View to see a list of all possible values you can enter in the field.
  • Click Categories Only to see a list of categories. Categories contain groups of related values.

When school years are on the pick list, they are listed in descending order with the most recent year on top.

To select a value, do one of the following:

  • Click the button next to a value, such as Head Injury, to insert it into the field, and then click OK.
  • Click the folder next to a value to view the available values within that category. For example, if you click next to Headache, a list of types of headaches appear.

  • Click the button next to a value to select it, and then click OK.