Search Help

Search Help to find instructions on how to perform specific tasks in Aspen. Use the Search bar to enter a keyword, phrase or topic. All related topics appear on the results page.

Note: The Search bar is located on the Aspen Help homepage and in the top-right corner of every Help topic. Search terms are not case sensitive.

There are several ways to perform a search:

  • To search by keyword, type a term in the search bar, and then press Enter or click magnifying glass icon. Some keywords have filters to limit the number of search results. Click to select a filter, and then click magnifying glass icon.
  • To search by phrase, type the terms in quotation marks. Then, press Enter or click magnifying glass icon. For example, type "student attendance" to see only the topics that contain "student attendance".
  • To search by multiple topics, type all of the desired terms. Then, press Enter or click magnifying glass icon. For example, type student attendance to see only the topics that contain both "student" and "attendance", but not necessarily together. This is called a 'Boolean AND' search.
  • Note: You can include Boolean operators along with search terms to perform advanced searches. Results will include or exclude some topics based on the terms you enter.

Use the following Boolean operators to refine your search results in Help:

Variable Description Example
" " Search for a term using quotation marks. "student attendance"
OR, | Search for either of the two terms to see only the topics containing some or all of the terms. student OR attendance (or both)
AND, &, + Search for two or more terms to see only the topics containing all of the terms. student AND attendance
NOT, !, ^ Search for topics that do not contain one or more of the terms. student NOT attendance
( ) Combinations of all of the above.

student AND (attendance NOT grades)

student OR (attendance NOT grades)

student OR (attendance AND grades)